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Mother Jones Visits Eugene Debs

Rosemary Feurer

The Mother Jones Heritage Project has been developing ties with the Eugene V. Debs Foundation, just as Mother Jones and Debs did in the past. The Midwest orbit from Terre Haute to Chicago and Mount Olive, Illinois and other mining towns shaped the nation's labor and socialist movement in ways that are not well known today, but which made sense to people in the Gilded Age.

The Debs Foundation is responsible for care of Debs' home, which is a national historic landmark.

They hosted their annual fundraising dinner on September 24.  Mother Jones Heritage Project board member Dave Rathke attended the dinner and is also a board member for the Foundation. He brought Mother to the dinner & also to the Debs Museum; here are a sampling of photos.

At the Debs Dinner:

Shaquona Elllis, Student from Marian University Indianapolis at the Debs dinner

Sara Cole and Cale Erwin of Terre Haute attended the Debs dinner

Ralph Leck of UNITEHERE Local 23, Terre Haute

Cindy Sheehan, anti-war activist, received the Debs Foundation award at their annual dinner

Courtney Harris, Indiana State University Student Senator at the Debs dinner.


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